Normally, I don't like to talk about money. 💶

But today, I'll show you what you could have

done with my course

"First steps as a hustler" 👊🏼

meanwhile COVID19 by seeling

TRUST and "NOT a product". 🎲
In my course I tell people how to build a perfect foundation.

What includes a perfect foundation?
I teach:

- Revenue > profit
- Registering your company
- How to find a niche (revealing some sites)
- Finding LOCAL suppliers

I do NOT WORK with Aliexpress or Oberlo ✅
By selling trust I mean:

The game has changed.
People don't want a normal product anymore.

They need a solution to an problem.

Problem: Corona pandemic 🦠

Solution: Bringing normality back in their lives.

How? 👇🏽
People are at home!

By selling for example 🧊

- Home workout( since some gyms are still closed )

- Kitchen gadgets (since some restaurants are still closed, people need to cook at home)

This is just the beginning. 🍒
Covid someday will be gone.

But the trust you've built with your customer remains! ✅

Because you've brought normality back in their lives, and built trust, you'll have a lot of returning customers. Trust me with this.

👇🏽I decided to post my monthly income 👇🏽

(17th June)
Dropshipping should be taken seriously because it's a business model and it should be treated like one.


Since 2018 I help people get started with Shopify.
Save you time. Don't make the same mistakes I did ❗

It's a fully mp4 course with in which I teach you 30 minutes of valuable content. 🔥


Ready to take it to the next level? 💶 https://gum.co/fsofH 
You can follow @TheMindedMentor.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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