What are twitter journal clubs? How do the fit into the hsitory of journal clubs?

@Stones__ and I try to explain in this review

Here's a TL;DR version in a great graphic created by @stones_
for the evolution
from Osler to Twitter

(also the titlle of our 2018 @AJKDonline paper https://www.ajkd.org/article/S0272-6386(17)30111-7/abstract)

There has been a proliferation of twitter based journal clubs

in 2014 we wrote about ten steps here https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/chp.21275 with @TChanMD @MDaware @emlitofnote @DrHWoo et al

since then many more journal clubs have come around

Largest table I think I have ever published:

Despite @Skepticscalpel skepticism (which we cite in the paper https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1bFHBzcYnqH6Y )
these are not passing fads
Slow and steady growth, despite some failing by the wayside

What are the key features of a journal club?

These are what we think are important

How does a twitter based journal club differ from traditional journal clubs?

Our idiosyncratic take here

The #NephJC metrics are tabulated here

Author participation (as we saw tonight) huge factor

and thanks again to @kidney_boy for the invitation to @Stones__ & I

The entire issue is a treat


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