we got some good poll news today on the @MondaireJones campaign! but this poll doesn't really tell the story of this race as i've seen it.
i'm sure there's some view that big endorsements from outside the district have helped propel @MondaireJones to the top of the polls. that's an easy explanation for people who don't want to admit that progressive ideas are compelling & that organizing can make a difference.
they don't want to believe that a movement led by young people can be powerful.
of our 1K+ volunteer sign-ups, almost HALF are under the age of 30 & over 80% of those young ppl are from westchester & rockland. ppl who have worked on down-ballot race know that number of young people is INSANE. democratic primaries are usually run by dope retired women lolol.
our volunteers have called every single democrat in the voter file with a working phone number three times since this campaign began. almost 400K phone calls for a CONGRESSIONAL PRIMARY.
we have had over 400 ppl attend relational organizing events, learn how to tell their personal story, and then reach out to their friends & neighbors & middle school teachers & tinder dates to help them understand why we need a people's champion in congress.
our volunteers believe that healthcare is a human right, that people deserve a living wage, & that our public servants should not be beholden to big corporations.
they are willing to have uncomfortable conversations to make that happen b/c they know change doesn't come from a Sanders/Warren endorsement, it comes from the complicated & exhausting work of organizing your own community to fight for each other.
they spend HOURS on the phone explaining M4A, the GND, student loan debt forgiveness, criminal justice reform, & other progressive policies to older, moderate dems & getting them on board.
we trained 40 young people how to use votebuilder and now every time i turn around it's...
and this!
y'all, digital organizing during COVID-19 is so tough. but our teens show up every night to train 70+ ppl how to phonebank on zoom calls & flake chase to make sure not a single one drops off. they are making hard asks so good that we get told to stop "browbeating" volunteers.
some ppl worry that the youth are too much on twitter and not enough in real life.
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