Not to resurrect another dead-on-arrival idea from Jared Kushner, but remember when he read 25 books then decided it would be easy enough for Palestinians to claim Abu Dis as their capital and rename it al-Quds? Here's some (quite dated) data to show you a bit about Abu Dis. /1
The part highlighted in bright red shows the built-up area of Abu Dis ~2007. (It has expanded a lot since then, no doubt!) The dark green are built-up Palestinian areas. The light blue are Israeli settlements. The dark red line is the wall that severs Abu Dis from Jerusalem. /2
The light red is Area B of the West Bank, where the PA must coordinate all security actions with Israel. Area A, where the PA supposedly has full authority, depicted in light green, does not begin until you get south of Abu Dis quite a bit, to the villages east of Bethlehem. /3
The dashed yellow lines represent roads where only Israeli vehicles, not Palestinian ones, have full access. Of course this applies to all roads west of the separation barrier. /4
PA municipal boundaries of Abu Dis extend much further than the bright red highlighted area, overlapping a bit with the large settlement to the northeast: Ma'ale Adumim. E1, where Bibi has pledged to build more settlements, lies east of Abu Dis and south of Ma'ale Adumim. /5
In summary: Abu Dis is cut off by the wall, restricted-access roads, settlements, and Israeli-patrolled zones (Area C of the WB is anything that isn't A or B on this map, pretty much) from the three closest metro areas: Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Ramallah. And this is old data! /6
Abu Dis cannot be the capital of Palestine. /END
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