You know what hurts my spirit? Every civil rights movement image is shown in black n white as if it was ages ago. Color photography was common during the civil rights movement. Yet every video footage and most photos of MLK and other figures are shown in black n white.
Google images MLK and THIS is what you Will find.
It’s a similar trend for most civil rights activists. James Baldwin.
Bayard Rustin
Hosea Williams
Jackie Robinson
Rosa parks
Malcom X
This is an example of how the system is misleading you. Google, the government, even the public school system. To shape your mind to think that equality is a black n white issue. Case closed.
In my experience in public schools, history class every year would begin before America, with Christo-raper columbus. Followed by fixation on the revolutionary war to enforce patriotism in the youth. Rebellion for freedom. The Boston tea party, bunker hill, the declaration.
We would learn minor details of the civil war will inflating the imagery of a justice pursuing American president into our mindset. (Not engaging in previous presidents slave ownership)
An in-depth detailed fixation on World War II BECAUSE AGAIN, AMERICA IS VIEWED AS THE HERO.... little is explained about the Manhattan project in which America dropped the single deadleast bomb in the history of the earth. (NOT ONE, but two) killing roughly 250k people.
But I sure do know a lot about Pearl Harbor!
Finally, as the school year begins to come to end (around spring break) the enthusiasm for American History dims.. the Cold War, Korean War, is simply glazed over.
If you’re lucky to have “enough time” at the end of the school year, you may learn about MLKs I HAVE A DREAM SPEACH, or JFKs assasination. But little is exposed about the injustices our government have enflicted in minorities in America.
MLKS assaination took place April 4th, 1968. Do you know that date?... Was your mom or Dad alive then? This is not a past time. Equality cannot be established in one generation with simply the right to vote.
AMERICA’s system is RACIST. Our country is the engine that drives this HATE.
OUR NEIGHBORS ARE BEING MURDERED. If not by the police, than by UNCLE SAM and the SYSTEMATIC RACISM that is The United States of Amerikkka.
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