I've been thinking about a "strengths" test we took for consulting work. One of the areas is the past, or someone that needs data or past experiences before moving forward. One, I think most people should take that into consideration. But what I realized for the first time
Is that as a WoC, w/working experience, I don't have the luxury of being able to focus on the future or being an innovator. So much of our careers are having to prove ourselves over and over again without being able to make any mistakes. Even if we are not innately data reliant
Our past experiences change what we see and how we work. Innovators have to be trusted on their ideas and are supported by others who believe in their ability to succeed. When you've never been allowed to make a misstep, and have never been given the benefit of the doubt, how
Would you be able to Not focus on data and the past? Our livelihoods depend on doing things correctly the first time. So many past white colleagues have been given everything necessary to succeed, explicit instructions, limitless resources, ande every opportunity.
Then the WoC do the actual work, without guidance, or resources, we succeed and STILL have to prove our capability. HOW are we supposed to be innovators when organizations show us time and time again that we better have reasons for any action that we take?
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