Just watched “The Standford Prison Experiment”. It got me thinking about power dynamics. The conclusions were that ppl who were placed in a position of power took advantage of it. The experimenters & the subjects were all males. Mainly white. One that caught my eye particularly.. https://twitter.com/imani_yvonne2/status/1273060921238306817
was a Black man (one of the experimenter). He did time in a real prison & so he knew how ruthless it was. The few times he interacted with the subjects (“prisoners”) he was mean. Towards the end he ended up walking out because he felt that he became the same as the ppl he hated.
This opened my eyes up a little. My own conclusion is that sometimes ppl who are in a shitty position & are in one way or another given a chance to be “in power” become the very same thing they despise. For some this privilege only shows up through their gender....
I genuinely think that many cis Bm are violent & publicly at that, to Black women because 1) they convinced themselves that Bw are below them, the bottom of the bottom. 2) Sometimes is the only privilege they have. This world is very male-centered.
Most of our violence is gendered. Its almost expected in life to be harmed by a man regardless of your gender but especially cus of your gender (i.e trans or cis woman). So it makes sense to me now as to why the effects of race indoctrination affected Bm differently than Bw.
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