CHOP and 5G.

CHOP Seattle protestor site on the left and circled in red on both maps. Map on the right shows T-Mobile 5G in purple.

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration?
~Nikola Tesla

Nothing to see here...
CHOP and 5G - 2.
We are in a spiritual war shaped by Frequency, Vibration and Energy.

Technology can externally affect our frequencies, vibration and energy.

FAITH and PRAYER can change our frequencies, vibration and energy internally to create an ARMOR.

CHOP and 5G - 3.

What are the odds that CHOP Protestors in Seattle would choose a spot encircled on three sides by T-Mobile 5G?

This sounds like a CLOWN op that is being run to test a group version of what we would call MK-ULTRA. Brain hacking using frequency and energy.
CHOP and 5G - 4

Can a signal trigger a reaction? Can a subject be pre-conditioned to react to a FREQUENCY trigger? Active shooter? MK ULTRA? Why did CHOP set-up in the middle of T-Mobile's 5G grid?

Hollywood Fiction or Possible Future?
CHOP and 5G - 5.

Why was CHOP located in the middle of a T-Mobile 5G grid? How was one incident in Minneapolis able to trigger a global reaction?

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