I’ve never known a fandom to joke about rape, sexual assault, mental and physical abuse, alcoholism, mental health, age or someone’s personal photos being leaked unlike the 5SOS fam. The boys deserve a better fansbase and fandom than what they have.
Not to mention self harm too!
Tw// Okay I’m going to add to this thread. The rape jokes and sexual assault jokes are pretty self explanatory right now with everything happening. Fans think it’s a trend to jump on and are out here joking about situations and it’s wrong.
Tw// Mental and physical abuse

I’ve seen fans lately laughing and joking about what Luke went through with arzyalea, laughing at the possibility that she would abuse him physically and joked that her fucking him up mentally done him a world of good, like fuck off you assholes
Tw// alcoholism

Fans have been slamming Ashton for being a past alocholic, saying he needs to continue drinking as it makes him more tolerable and joked that he’s like “mother like son” as a dig at his mother who has previously had alcohol issues. GROW UP BULLYING THEM!
Tw// Mental health

We have all seen by now fans dragging Michael for his anxiety to tweets, bullying him and mocking him. We all know Ashton has had shit for speaking up on his depression in the past. MENTAL HEALTH CAN KILL OR DO YOU GUYS NOT REALISE THIS???
Age. This one pisses me off. Who gives a fuck how old Crystal is? Michael is a legal, consenting adult who loves her. Age doesn’t matter when you’re both adults. He chose her, meaning he’s not bothered by the age gap. It’s not our relationship so stay out and stop bullying her.
Calum’s leaked Snapchat’s. Stop spreading them around, stop mocking him that we’ve all seen it. He was a dumb teenager who had his trust fucking broken, could you imagine the panic he must’ve felt behind told it was posted? How hurt he was that his trust got broken? No you can’t.
Tw// Self harm.

This one breaks my heart. Seeing people saying Ashton should have continued self harming? That he should have done it deeper? HOW CAN YOU BE SO HEARTLESS? That’s someone’s son and brother! He fucking deserves to be here! I’m GLAD he’s here!!!
Tw// I’ve had non-stop hate for a week after saying I want a new fandom since this one is a load of bullshit that’s full of hate, negativity & bullying. I’ve had multiple dms like this that I’ve had to delete before opening so I don’t damage my mental health further.
Feel free to add anything to this list. The fandom is toxic and that’s just a simple fact at this point.
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