Psychology Of Ordering Delivery By Day Of The Week

(for most people)


Day off. No work. Family time. Lazy day. Families either cook at home or order takeout. Relaxed, but not looking forward to tomorrow.

Sundays are busy, but not too busy.

Start of the week. Back to work. Stressed and annoyed. Busy and exhausted. No time or energy for cooking at home. Still have money from Friday's paycheck. Need food to soothe the dread of the rest of the work week.

Mondays are very busy.

Next day at work. Dull. Boring. Rinse and repeat of yesterday. Pay check from Friday getting depleted. People probably think they don't want to order two days in a row - so they don't.

Tuesdays are very slow.

Another day at work. Hump day. Feeling a little better. But not that great as it's still the middle of the week. Some probably order delivery to help get through it.

Wednesdays are somewhat slow.

Pay day for some people. Close to the weekend. Feeling better now. Sense of hope for the weekend. Pay day is also tomorrow - people think they can spend some money now since they'll get it back the next day.

Thursdays are busy.

Pay day for most people. Sense of freedom and relief. The day to party and celebrate the end of the work week. Be with friends and family. Time to treat ourselves and maybe others.

Fridays are super busy.

Weekend is finally here! Time to finally get a full day of relaxation that you deserve. Plus, you just got paid! Do what you want, when you want.

Saturdays are also super busy.
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