A quick thread about the boogaloo and the boogaloo bois, from a boog boi
(1/?) there seens to be a lot of assumptions that there is a coherent group, there is not.
Boogaloo is a meme. It comes from the “______2: electric boogaloo” meme. “Boogaloo bois” are a large number of...
(2/?)...mostly independent circles of freinds who share common beliefs and boogaloo memes.
There are 2 main sunsets of boogaloo memes:
1. Civil war 2: electric boogaloo
2. Revolutionary war 2: electric boogaloo
The vast majority of circles only share one or the other.
(3/?) The civil war memes are the ones that tend to have racial focuses, and they are the memes that are shared in the racist circles.
The revolutionary war memes are solely antigovernment in nature, and the circles that share them do not have any racial focuses. In fact some...
(4/?) circles (like the one I’m in) have anti racist memes .
Here’s 2 examples
(5/?) I hear a lot of people say “if you’re not racist, why don’t you push the racists out of the movement?”, which would be a valid statement if it was a coherent movement. The racists are forced out of most circles, but they have their own independent circles. We have no...
(6/?)...power over those circles, and do not get along with them. We rarely interact with them, and when we do it’s not very freindly. All we have in common is the name, which originated from the same meme format.
Dismissing us all as racist, despite the glaring differences is..
(7/?)... like dismissing all socialists as racists because the Nazis existed. Sure they where obviously different from all the others, and even killed the others, but they shared a name right?
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