Let's Chat: A Thread


No one should be told to name their abusers if they are not emotionally/mentally ready or if they feel it will cause further harm to themselves.

It is not the obligation of a survivor to bring about justice. 1/

We want justice. We want to protect others.

But we cannot ask victims to revictimize themselves, to harm themselves, to harm their careers in order to do so.

It is a choice and quite frankly to demand otherwise is a gross violation of their autonomy. Again. 2/
It is just like whe H*pe Nich*lson outted herself without permission from her victim.


Instead, demand accountability. Demand creators & publishers stop giving abusers a platform. Reframe the focus to THEM & how the COMMUNITY can protect people 3/
And not on how the fucking VICTIMS do not have "priorities" you agree with.

As a whole, we need to protect the members of our community and the creators. We need to give the survivors support tailored to what THEY need & not what we expect from them. 4/
It does not just trouble the lives of the abusers - it lays the victim RAW & open for strangers to dissect, harass and analyze. It can ruin their lives. That's why some rapes never get reported.

I find this take to be very anti-feminist and anti-survivor.
If you have a problem with victims protecting themselves rather than demanding people listen when they are FUCKING TOLD people are abusive and toxic, then block me.

I don't have time or space for you in my life.

No one is ever surprised. There is always a fucking trail.
Just so we're clear:

Cameron Stewart is trash. Hope Nicholson is trash. Eric Esquivel is trash. Brian Woods is trash.

So, so many names.


Get mad at THEM, get mad at people who continued to give them power. Do not get annoyed with their victims.
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