1/ Thread:

AUS Taxpayers Funding The Deep State With Hundreds of Millions Funneled Under the Guise of Philanthropy.

This thread aims to shed some light onto the $444b grant to The Great Barrier Reef Foundation showing links to the Clinton Crime Foundation & Ghislaine Maxwell...
2/ In a very suspicious move, former PM of Australia gave $444b in taxpayer money to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation - the GBRF had not tendered and not even asked for the money. "It was like we'd won the lotto" - managing chair...
3/ It appears Turnbull's wife, Lucy is involved. Read paragraph 2 and 3 in the photo. Stephen Fitzgerald, very closely tied to Lucy, was the GBRF Head of Philanthropy. He has ties to Goldman Sachs and to the United States Studies Center, as does Lucy Turnbull...
4/ Lucy is the Patron of the United States Studies Center, part of the University of Sydney. Stephen Fitzgerald, of the GBRF was on the council of advisors for the USSC. The USSC was set up by former PM John Howard... đŸ˜źđŸ€”
5/ Interestingly, here's what Hillary Clinton has to say about the USSC. See how these people create a web of deceit and connection?
6/ Even Turnbull's son in law, James Brown, is involved with the USSC.
7/ Here's Julie "Red Shoes" Bishop's endorsement of the USSC. The same Bishop that gave hundreds of millions of our money away to Hillary Clinton.
8/ The USSC non resident fellow and Sky News / ABC regular contributor, Bruce Wolpe, spews constant lies and anti-Trump propaganda...
9/ Bruce Wolpe, of the USSC, is currently trying to keep Australian's asleep by selling them lies and anti-Trump propaganda. Fun fact: Wolpe was advisor to Obama and PM Gillard. Yes you read that right...
11/ Interestingly, $444 million is 666 upside down. Symbolism very important to them....
13/ Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein's partner, had an ocean philanthropy called Terra Mar Project. They even had their fingers in the Great Barrier Reef. Epstein helped set up the Clinton Foundation. Connection here to AUS?
14/ Why did AUS Govt assist Rogue US deep state to spy on POTUS? Why did Turnbull try to use the leaked call with POTUS to set him up?
15/ This is huge. Why is AUS the biggest global donor to the Clinton Crime Foundation? Was the GBRF 444mil grant a way to continue funneling to the CF/Deep State? Is it still going on under the guise of other grants/aid etc?
16/ There are too many coincidences. Why is our media not reporting on any of this? Silenced? Complicit? What the hell is going on? Connect the dots. Question. Research. Talk to family/friends. We need to make noise.
#AussieQ #TheGreatAwakening
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