How do we turn BLM on the liberal white managerial class?
Is there a way to “bait” them to attacking leftist soft targets - specific zip codes, NFL stadiums, government building?
Obviously any white who supports BLM needs to resign or be fired to make way for a black who deserves their job. How do we make these arrangements?
For example, FB mobs have led white superintendents to fire teachers for “racism” - is it hard to manufacture a campaign along the lines of “if the local schools support BLM, then the white superintendent needs to resign to make way to POC leaders”
Same with churches agitating for BLM — create fake black FB accounts, infiltrate their groups, and get discussions going: “if Pastor Cracker is serious about BLM he would resign and let a black pastor run the church”
Local school boards and local governments have FB groups. “Doncha y’all find it problematic the board/mayor is white/Asian? Das right. It’s problematic. If dey whites/Asians about BLM dey gotta quit”
"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.

The white managerial class is also our enemy, and weaker than BLM. Divide and conquer
Some of this can be done IRL and on Twitter dot com, but fake black FB accounts and setting up FB groups for blacks (“local BLM chapter” FB groups) seems most efficient
It might be petty. But you can run the same tactics on lower level targets - individual teachers, certain managers at companies, specific bureaucrats, etc. A scalp is a scalp, and our enemies are not above pettiness
It goes without saying you should go through years of their social media feeds for anything slightly “problematic” and screenshot (e.g. like what’s happening to Rick Wilson)
You can follow @hamster_right.
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