Connect the dots peeps! Who wants to Defund the Police? Two places that are overrun with transplants. We have an AG in MN and a Congresswoman who are both worship Islam. New York already has in place a Muslim Community Patrol. Is it a far stretch to imagine Sharia Law?
What three states are hammering for it? New York, Minnesota, and California. All the major test grounds for Communism. MN has already said, without Police, it will be some "type" of community policing. WHAT is the Community and what do they believe?
What exactly does Sharia Law say and how do we stay within it?

1. Islam commands that drinkers and gamblers should be whipped.

2. Islam allows husbands to hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their wives.
3. Islam allows an injured plaintiff to exact legal revenge-physical eye for physical eye.

4. Islam commands that a male and female thief must have a hand cut off.

5. Islam commands that highway robbers should be crucified or mutilated.
6. Islam commands that homosexuals must be executed.

7. Islam orders unmarried fornicators to be whipped and adulterers to be stoned to death.

8. Islam orders death for Muslim and possible death for non—Muslim critics of Muhammad and the Quran and even sharia itself.
9. Islam orders apostates to be killed.

10. Islam commands offensive and aggressive and unjust jihad.

Well.. Sharia Law will change some things pretty darn quick! For shits and giggles..let's just see how the current rioters, protesters, and Chaz residents will fair.
All the useful idiots of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matters will be handless.. looting is stealing and that is against Sharia! Won't have to worry about LGBTQ twerking in the streets with their bare butts.. they will be thrown off of buildings and killed.
All you cheaters and trollop bops.. y'all are getting stoned or whipped! Wow.. we are gonna shape this Country right up! Protesters won't exist..can't say anything offensive or aggressive. Chaz residents.. you won't even exist.. there are no critics or dissidents allowed!
Might wanna think about how you are yammering on about Defund the Police.. Y'all have been PLAYED for the idiots that you are! Doing the bidding of your Puppet Masters for a spot of gold. Might wanna pick up a Bible and see how this all ends! GOD WINS .. Knees will bow then!!
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