So a friend of my wife's came around for a visit today. She thinks the lockdown is mad. What's very interesting, though, is that she worked for years for PHE, and still has many friends there.
Her view is that the people at PHE have succumbed to groupthink. But she also says that anyone who doesn't agree has been told to keep their mouths shut.
And PHE have deliberately retreated into uselessness, and are avoiding doing anything remotely controversial, or which might undermine the lockdown.
So she's looking at organising some insightful research projects herself (she's a health academic) which PHE should have been doing for months.
Funnily enough she's a leftist (she doesn't know about me), and black, but she despises the whole BLM movement, and anything anti-colonial.
She says that in the academic enclave where she lives the academics are all visiting each other illegally, even though many of them are pro-lockdown.
And the old people in that part of the city are also all socialising as normal even though some of the academics have told them not to 'for their own good'.
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