Currently recovering from one of the worst migraine pains of my life last weekend. Managed to completely scare my husband, said he’d never seen me like that (we’ve been together for nine years). Anyone else hesitate to rate their pain a ten? I save tens. This was a ten.
I could go on and on about this, maybe it’ll be a thread. It’s funny how I say I’m recovering, but that’s still on top of the chronic every day pain, that really is bad enough.
Hubby got dressed at 4am, desperately wanting to take me to ER. But honestly the thought of getting in a car for the ten minute trip was just too much. Especially knowing that it would be a long while of trial and error before I got any real relief, if I even did.
Because we all know that anything that gives immediate rarely given straightaway. I’m no stranger to ER visits and hospital stays for my migraines. And thankfully my experiences with that have been mostly good in my 20+ years of this journey.
I didn’t think my pain would even allow for a ten minute trip there...I think that really says something about how bad this was. Of course, there are never the exact right words to describe the horrific debilitating pain of a migraine. Especially a level ten. But still I try.
And even though I’ve still got this every day pain to deal with, I’m really glad to be on the other side of that. And I hope it’s a good while before I rate my pain a ten again.
I’ll end with this. I very much relate to anyone that has had thoughts of no longer wanting to be here due to pain. It doesn’t need to be a 10 to take you to those dark places. I’ve been there before, more times than I want to say.
I have a very good support group. I know I am loved. I know I am not alone. But when you get to that point, sometimes it feels like none of that matters.
I’m also one that does not easily reach out for help. I say that because that’s what we’re supposed to do when we feel like we’re at the end. So if you are also like that, I get it. But. I will. And I really hope you will too. Please. Please. Please reach out. ❤️
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