To anyone who thinks predatory, abusive or harassing behaviour doesn't happen in their industry because they don't see it -

In my non-comics job, at least 3 of my colleagues were sexually harassed by an older male in management.

All were young. He NEVER did it in front of me.
My mum, a professional respected nationally for her prowess, had many colleagues outed as predatory or harassers through the years.

All to young women. And NEVER in front of my mum.

Predators know who to target. And who to avoid. Who will shout.
This is not victim blaming. This is me telling you, as someone who is perceived as a woman and who every man I've worked with has described as scary"

- a descriptor also given to my mum -

if you don't see it, that's DELIBERATE.
Because when I was confided in, and at their request, I shouted loud and fucking hard.

I took it to HR, I called out senior management to deal with, I did everything fucking thing I could.

My hours were cut. The young women told it was their fault. He got promoted.
I left that job, angry and frustrated and fucking disappointed but in no way surprised.

This happens in EVERY industry.
In every field.
In every career.

And if you don't see it, that's by design.

And if you ignore it, it's because they knew you would.
People value career progression above and beyond all else, including other people's lives and bodies being used and destroyed.

I have never, and will never, be one of those people.

I know I'm "scary" to predators. And yet somehow, I wasn't scary to the victims who ran to me.
Because I'm not "scary".

I'm just fucking loud, and I always have been when it comes to people treating others like shit, no matter their position, influence, whatever.

I consider myself *fortunate* to have that skill, and to scare the shit out of these bastards.
But here's the thing. It didn't stop me being abused in my private life. Because there is nothing that can truly protect you from a predator. Because it's THEIR fault. Entirely.

Never yours. Ever.

I believe you. I see you.

Please. Don't trust anyone. Always be wary đź’–
I screamed and yelled for years in comics, and wrecked myself on that cliff.

Others now do that job, just like others did before me. It's thankless and depressing and... it helps. It helps some people. And that matters.
But believe me when I say this.

Some of the people calling out predatory behaviour in comics today?

They knew.

They knew, and they stayed silent, and they feign shock, and I cannot ever forgive them. They broke me. Utterly.

I don't have a good ending to this thread.

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