i still can’t believe netflix cast chris d’elia as the pedophile in season to of “you” like the literal IRONY
imagine getting owned by a 16 year old
imagine being 16 and being groomed by a stand up comedian twice ur age and the only reason you never met up and never got physically m*lested was because u had just gotten a boyfriend ur own age
for the longest time i thought it was embarrassing for ME that i was interacting with this older man but he was the one who DM’d me on twitter and was the one who was twice my age and was the one that used the power imbalance between us to his advantage so f*ck chris d’elia
i am also definitely not the only underage girl he did this too. just an FYI.
for the longest time i thought this was just a funny story to tell at parties when i realized what happened isn’t normal and that he was and could still be doing this to younger girls and it’s my job to say something
fuck you @chrisdelia and also @netflix i highly doubt casting this creep as a pedophile was a coincidence. at least i got to see him fake die.
i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been so kind to me about all of this. i’m glad that other girls are finding the strength to speak up as well. my notifs are uncontrollable but just know that i’m very grateful. 💛
adding this for the incels who won’t leave me alone https://twitter.com/girlpowertbh/status/1273109892744822784?s=21 https://twitter.com/girlpowertbh/status/1273109892744822784
first conversation i ever had with him.
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