Today in a letter to dept faculty, I shared a letter from our trainees and research staff with a call to action on racial inequality. As a starting point and for accountability, I will share part of my own personal journey here - 21-day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge
Inspired by , #21dayracialequitychallenge , akin to #21daysallychallenge

The structure was appealing: Read, Listen, Watch, Notice, Connect, Engage, Act ... every day coupled with REFLECTION
I'll beg pls bear with me - I actually had not ever planned to share this, as I think it of it as part of my own personal journey. This is weird for me. But it makes me accountable.
One of her messages that grabbed me - don't pretend that everything is OK right now.
Prompting thinking of so many Black people living with sorrow, fear, pain that I can't even fathom
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