THREAD: NBC News London correspondent @AMFraserNBC – who admits collaborating with far left groups to remove conservative news site funding – has an interesting if predictable history:
Adele is quite new to journalism.

Just 4 years ago she was an intern at a local newspaper, The Bristol Post, in the South West of England.

She took an internship at the Times, and then worked for Channel 4's @MichaelLCrick.
She's bounced around news organizations: CBS for a few months, Channel 4, Sky News, and has now ended up at NBC in London.

It's from there that she planned a hit with a left-wing pressure group, against Zero Hedge and the Federalist.

Two more right-leaning websites.
It's the usual players. The usual set. Nick Lowles and Hope Not Hate, etc etc.

The far-left in Britain long marched through the institutions and now have much public funding.

But less so in the U.S.

So they had to attack from abroad.
By the way, this is the kind of copy Adele was writing just 4 years ago.

Local gig information for Bristol.
Some of Adele's old work has gone now. But not all of it.

Here's here writing for a now defunct blog called the Hippo Collective.

In the article, she calls @realDonaldTrump a "class clown".
And here are some of the tweets that survived her recent account name change.

She accuses @realDonaldTrump of inching the world closer to war:
She alleges that Trump makes crazy moves.

Remember, she's supposed to be a reporter, not an opinion columnist...
She has tweeted fake news – loony Russia conspiracy theories – about Brexit.

(This never happened).
In this tweet from 2016, she calls Brexit voters "idiots".
Will someone at @NBCNews be explaining how they hired a partisan who now appears to have openly collaborated with a source to get a rival news organization defunded?

@AMFraserNBC if you would like to reply that would be great.

In the mean time my team will investigate.

Addendum: In case she deletes the tweet where she openly admits a collaboration between her and the UK limited company that has partnered with hard-left groups, including one not too distantly linked with a terrorist.

(As in my @TheNatPulse article above)
She even used the hashtag 🤣
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