The 2nd day of the @T20Solutions virtual conference concluded with important contributions addressing global challenges. Policy recommendations for the for a post-COVID19 World were presented in different Task Forces. + link del T20 general. #T20virtual
@PrachiSrivas presented a policy brief on rebuilding education systems regarding COVID-19 with a cross-sectoral perspective. This has been a collaborative work between @CIPPEC @IIEP_UNESCO @INEEtweets @UNICEFEducation.
@AlaskaryHeidi, Lead Co-chair of Task Force 6, guided the session. Policy briefs on Economy, Employment and Education were presented by experts from @Hiroshima_Univ @IOE_London @IDRC_CRDI @ADBInstitute @KAPSARC @kfcris_en
@Froebelbanjo presented 2 policy briefs on #earlychildhood. 1. Upscaling community based #ECD #ECEC programmes (TF4) 2. Sustainability (TF7). This work has been led by @dcu_ecrc with collaboration of @af_ecn @seameoceccep @CIPPEC @UNALOficial @FgvCeipe
David Dingus presented “Leveraging Private Philanthropy Towards Achieving the SDGs" in TF7. This policy brief led by Natasha Ridge is a collaboration between @AlQasimiFound and @CIPPEC.
Looking forward to continue this these great collaborative efforts in the @T20Solutions with wonderful colleagues working in education policies.
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