I don’t actually have or see the problem with the “she tiddy” cartoon, the only actual problem with dude artists putting fetish porn into mainstream comics was the entire spaces of consent issue
All I ever wanted from these dudes was for them to boss up and start making actual labeled porn instead of going halfway and putting all their mainstream heroines in 8 inch Pleasers while pretending that wasn’t professional-level sex work gear
If you want to be a bear drawing porn instead of lying and trying to make people who didn’t sign up for it deal with your sexual/fetish content, that’s legitimate personal growth and a better grasp of boundaries, I don’t see the problem
If people don’t like this dude’s art style (understandable) that’s fine, but there’s nothing I don’t agree with about the message of “I became an erotica artist instead of making constant convoluted denials that my all-ages art depicted sex workers and/or was porn”
This is giving me flashbacks to the entire movement of sheltered comics fans who claimed that the intermediate stripper/contortionist poses on comics covers were "unnatural" or "impossible" instead of something real people were doing every day for work
If your problem is "porn content being passed off as all-ages action comics" and then keep complaining when those people are like "okay, off to make age-restricted porn," your complaint isn't about public consent, it's just about disliking sexuality and thinking its' gross
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