I also want to say that if you're bringing a slew of JOC through your Jewish org/institution and most of them are burned out from it within a year, you are actually harming us. Treating us as disposable and as if there is an endless supply you can replace us with is racism
Black Jews and JOC more generally are not "made" by white Jewish institutions that put us in the limelight and then throw us away when they're done using us. We are making these institutions better with the very real gifts and talent we bring, and in return we are broken by them
Those of us who speak out are dismissed as troublemakers and those who are quiet are assumed to have consented to however we were treated. Meanwhile the power dynamics are NEVER acknowledged and the people who harmed us and profited from our work get to pat themselves on the back
I always try and go through the "right channels" when I have a grievance, and it gets you literally nowhere. Think about that next time you're wondering why some JOC is coming off so angry at these white Jewish institutions. They waste our time and have no interest in changing
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