Black people are 3x more likely to be killed by police than white people and 99 percent of the time, a police killing does not result with an officer being charged with a crime. 
There’s a growing recognition that policing isn’t always the answer to public safety. As we’ve increased funding to police we’ve neglected funding that builds strong communities like investments in equitable schools or affordable housing.
Police reform is crucial, but so is reconsidering the way our cities approach community and safety. We’re recommending actions that can address both.
First, please consider a donation to @PolicingEquity. This organization is helping police departments across the country recognize and address bias within their ranks using data-driven interventions. 
Next, remember criminal justice reform at the ballot box. @WhenWeAllVote has an excellent thread that lays out how your vote can impact the criminal justice system at the local, state and national level.
Finally, look to your own community’s advocates & leaders of color. Police violence is intertwined with so many issues, including youth homelessness. In our community, @AWayHomeWA has called for an end to police violence + a reduction in the police budget.
You can follow @RaikesFdn.
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