why priyanka chopra isn’t problematic a thread
-beauty con:
on febuary 26, 2019 india sent air strikes to pakistan to stop the terrorist camps from killing innocent india soldiers and civilians. she showed support the the army becsuse they stopped an act of terrorism saying “jai hind.” jai hind means long live india +
and is said in schools in india everyday, and is the equivalent of saying god bless america. it in no way encourages war (especially not nuclear war) and is just a sign of respect, not patriotism. she was called out at beauty con by a women who said she used priyanka as a scape+
goat so news sources would focus more on kashmir and the indian/pakistan conflict. the women yelled at priyanka at a beauty event and was disrespectful and was duping vicious lies about how jai hind means you support nuclear war. other bollywood celebrities tweeted the same day +
and received 0 hate or allegations of supporting war. her UN ambassordship has no connection with the statement jai hind. the UN came out and said that ambassadors are allowed to speak freely when not speaking on behalf of the organization itself. priyanka responded and said +
“i never has, never was, never will be pro war.” and her 10 years working with UNICEF and helping refugees is a testament to that.
during the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic Priyanka posted a video of herself clapping as an appreciation for the front line workers. all indians were asked to go out on their balconies and do this, but since she was in the US she posted this video instead
other countries in the UK have also done the same, mariah carey even posted a video f herself clapping but didn’t receive flack because they have a double standard towards priyanka chopra. since that event she has donated to 10 different organizations, sent people in need +
crocs and headphones and done weekly lives for a month that showed appreciation for front line workers. she is doing good while others sit and troll.
-skin lightening/ blm
over 10 years ago priyanka endorsed a skin lightening cream. in south asia fairer skin is seen as better and she has said since the beginning of her career (20 years ago) she faced racism and colorism. she stopped endorsing the brand after one year,
cutting her 3 year contract short once she realized what she was doing was wrong and how it could affect people. she came out and apologized and expressed repeatedly showed great remorse for ever advertising such a thing. people like S*RK, deep!ka p*dukone, shah!d kapo0r have+
endorsed these skin lightening brands but never received hate because they are not used as a scape goat like priyanka is. their is an undeniable double standard that is following her as a strong women that people have been trying to tear down since the beginning of her carerr
priyanka chopra has always been a proud feminist since the beginning of her career. she tells stories of her father who always encouraged her to break the glass cealing and tear down barriers. she always been outspoken on her opinions and encouraged other women +
to stand up for themselves since she had started her career in india.
she has never shown support for modi. people make an assumption that she supports him based one picture they have together. here is him with tons of other bollywood stars and celebrities. considering she has been critize for showing support or muslims +
countless times it is safe to assume she doesn’t support modi or his islamaphobic beliefs.
she has been attacked countless times because of her “fake accent” she grew up in high school in the US and spent time in the UK when she was miss world. once she moved to the us after leaving bollywood people accused her of faking her accent +
here is a clip from her 2012 interview (before she came to the US) where she is speaking in the same accent she has now
here is an article that examed joe accents change over time. considering she is surrounded by american accents all the time and was trained in an american accent for her TV show it isn’t far fetched that her accent would deteriorate
^^if you click on the tweet above their is more to the thread it just got messed up because of deleted tweets 😅
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