Since I've been having to comb through channels lately to get a sense of a creator's content, style of VOD, level of activity, community engagement, streaming vibe, chat flow/engagement, I'm going to do a thread on what I look for and how I find it.
There may be others in roles similar to mine that use different strategies, and I don't think my methods are necessarily "king," but they work best for me. So with that caveat out of the way and 15 minutes on my schedule, here we go:
When I look at content, I don't like to look at clips and I don't like scouring through someone's Twitter for clips. It doesn't tell me the whole story of who you are, who your community is, or what you're about.
I actually scrub through entire VODs and streams. Yes, I take the time and look--especially for livestreams--I want to know what your peaks and valleys look like. I want to know how you handle giving yourself a break and switching through content.
VODs are highly edited content, and I 95% of the time watch it all. If you do a long end slate, I don't watch that part to be honest, I just want to know what you feature.
Other things I look for and listen for, is how you use other content. Are you excessively relying on clips or music that is from other sources? Did you play a song about Communism in jest? I question those decisions.
To me, brand safety for the company I represent is always paramount. And the internet's memory is very long. I get it, on a personal level, people make mistakes and they grow and learn from them, but if you're not showing that growth on your channel, it's a flag.
I know many times people kind of fall into content creation and success, but if you want to take it on a professional route, please consider that you are a public figure and you're accountable for who you are on your channel always.
And I read through your chat and comments. I really do. If your community is very toxic without any visible attempts to manage that behavior, it may present a problem for you down the line. Especially if they are toxic towards YOU. Don't take that shit.
Last thing before I go into a meeting, be yourself. I think many times I'm more drawn to someone who is truly themselves and representing themselves to the best of their abilities every day. I'd like to see more of that on all platforms.
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