A lot of people are returning to work. I’m not here to judge, I’ve been considering it myself. But I do want to offer a gentle reminder that Covid is now thought to be a vascular disease with symptoms that can persist long into “recovery.” Bodies have been irrevocably damaged.
Young folk (under 30) are having strokes. People are losing toes to disrupted blood circulation. There are reports of long term reduced lung capacity. People are saying symptoms can persist for weeks after the test shows a negative result and they’ve been technically cleared.
Be risk aware. Take every precaution. Continue to isolate and keep socially distancing if you can. Remind yourself that Ontario is opening up because the hospitals have beds, not because it’s safe.

It’s easy to shut down fear and lean into optimism. But you should be scared.
Again: no judgement. I’ve been wrestling with taking in person sessions. Every individual has the right to make decisions best for them... just please make them from a place of educated risk assessment, not from impatience to get back to the way things were b/c everyone else is.
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