"his personal valuation of what a writer or a production manager or salesperson was worth [..] seemed to be rooted in an idea that people who choose occupations that are not explicitly and primarily designed to make money were dilettantes of a sort, and essentially unserious."
"Why would you choose to be a journalist when you could make so much more money as a commercial real estate developer?"
"To use a phrase he routinely deployed, they “didn’t get it.” And as such, they were disposable workers whose knowledge base could probably be replaced by a rigorous Google search. If their expertise was actually valuable, if they were so smart, they’d be monetizing it better."
You see a cruder version of that same attitude coming from DJT all the time: people who play by the rules are saps and rubes, a really smart person would be a cheater & swindler just like him.
But it also fits general Republican economic theory: the only truly valuable skill a person could have is making money, so every other area of talent & expertise exists only to be mined for the sake of the people who are good at making money, so they can make even more of it.
It's the colonialist economic structure built around ruthless, unsustainable resource extraction, but expanded out to include what we sometimes call "human resources"
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