Recently, my friends have been sending me ig dress shop accounts and twitter dress shop accounts to report because the shop has scammed them. So I wanted to share tips on how to detect fake accounts, please rt.
First of all if you or no one else knows the owner of the shop, be weary. Most of the time, genuine shops put their CEOs or owners names in their bio. So if there's nothing there, that's a problem.
If allll their clothes say available in all sizes, that's a RED FLAG. No one can have one thing in allll sizes consistently. It doesn't happen. Girlyworld and the rest. They post and say available in size 13 or 14. Sometimes available in all sizes. But not always.
Check their tags and Mentions. If it's empty, it's possibly a scam. Because people like to flaunt where they got their clothes from. And they tag or mention in stories.
If this shop is on Instagram, they probably have highlights. If there's a highlight called reviews, check that. Be observant, they can't post one review Screenshot with an iPhone with ios 13, then the next with ios 12, then the next with an android who's network says mtn and the
Next network says airtel Tigo. Ei why do they run phone and network services?
Watch their following list. Who are they following. Shops mostly follow people the owner knows personally or people who've bought from them. Go through. If you follow someone there or they follow you, TEXT THEM. ASK THEM. Don't be shy, it's your money o yoooo
Have I already said that if the back ground of their posts aren't consistent it's a red flag? Yes that too
And ASK AROUND! You're shy because the clothes are cheap? Then when they scam you please
I hope this is of help.
And if you've read to this pointtttt. Retweet. Might help someone ❤️
And while you're at it check out @prettybelleshop and click this link to their Instagram 100% legit and your number 1 beauty plug! 💕💕
Also check if they've turned their comments section off. Because people scammed will come under their posts to share their experiences there.
You can follow @esi_lv.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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