I have finally read Sir Geoffrey's piece on the fact you have to have played the game to be a good commentator and saying woman should only be hosting the game and Alison Mitchell saying otherwise.
Sorry Geoffrey as brilliant as you are as an expert on the game you are wrong...
The key is getting the right combination whether commenting on tv or radio not whether such and such has played test cricket. Too many mainstream broadcasters just jam the comm box with two "greats of the game" and tell them to just talk, when this happens I ended up muting them
Commentary is an art form not a Hollywood movie. I grind my teeth when certain great players take the comm seat, not because they don't know what they talking about but because they don't know how to say it in a way that those listening understand. We aren't all experts...
The best commentators in my opinion have at best very little playing experience, Cozier, Arlott, Johnstone partly because they have skills elsewhere which they use brilliantly e.g. poetry and paint pictures for the listener that most seem to struggle with...
The women commentators whether in the men's or women's game are to be honest a breath of fresh air giving analysis is something they do brilliantly. I am yet to mute a female commentator (do it all the time when broadcaster get the combination all wrong with men.)
Point being commentary takes skill whether you are male or female. The main qualification for it should not be whether you played the game at the highest level although it can help it should rather be can you tell a story ? Whether on t.v. or radio its still a story...
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