Ky. Department of Public Health officials are now presenting on the Superintendent's Webcast. Watch live:
Dr. Connie White urges districts to keep records so that contract tracing will be much easier, bus manifests, class contacts, etc.
Interim Commissioner Kevin Brown says the public health guidance is being refined to be more user-friendly and will be released soon.
Q from superintendent: Is there is flexibility in 6 feet spacing?
A from Dr. White: If closer than 6 ft masks will be needed, if 6 feet or more masks will not be required in the classroom.
Q from superintendent: Can we use the cafeteria?
A from Dr. White: Need to space students 6 feet apart, have assigned seating, record who sits where for contact tracing purposes and clean surfaces between each seating.
. @kycommissioner says getting compliance on mask wearing will be one of the most difficult things about going back to school. But if masks aren't worn, schools are more likely to have to close.
. @kycommissioner: Mask wearing "does need to happen, based on the best medical advice that we have."
Officials are considering a marketing campaign to encourage students to wear masks. Considering using Kentucky celebrities to encourage mask wearing, says Interim Commissioner Kevin Brown.
The general rule should be "if you move you mask" and if someone else is moving closer than 6 feet to you, also mask, Dr. Connie White says.
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