"Google blocked The Federalist from its advertising platform after the NBC News Verification Unit brought the project to its attention."

So NBC is now calling up Google and demanding they pull ads from conservative outlets. WTF??? https://twitter.com/NBC_VC/status/1272962743436374016
The NBC story says they only “brought the project to their attention.”

But in a tweet, the reporter behind the story thanked the activists for their “hard work and collaboration” and then tweeted “BlackLivesMatter.”

She isn’t reporting on activists. She IS an activist.
So what got The Federalist booted from Google Ads??

They ran a piece criticizing media coverage of the riots?? On that basis you could ban every single conservative outlet!
One of the outlets criticized in the piece that NBC News got the Federalist blacklisted from Google ads for was… NBC News. What a coincidence!! https://thefederalist.com/2020/06/03/the-media-are-lying-to-you-about-everything-including-the-riots/
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