Reminder that PornHub not only ignored me pleading with them for over 200 days straight to remove videos of my rape at age 14 until I impersonated a lawyer, but also allowed me to be doxxed in hundreds if not thousands of comments containing my name/age/school/address
Oh, & in case you didn’t know this detail: from the very first email I begged them to also remove videos of other girls my same rapists had up. Some even younger than I. When they finally removed mine, they tried to leave those up until I said they better take those down too.
They know exactly what they’re doing. More & more ads kept popping up around the videos of my rape with the highest views, meaning they were increasingly monetizing them all the while I was begging them to take them down. I got stalked in person. My family had to change our names
In attempts to cover up their crimes they try to paint myself & other victims as liars with an agenda against sex workers. But SO MANY current + former sex workers have been some of our biggest allies & supporters, including @jennajameson the most famous porn star of all time🙏🏼❤️
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