Did you know that police officers don't even make it into the top 10 of most dangerous jobs in America? No? Everything you've been culturally told about this profession is wrong. So how about I'll make a thread of the 10 most dangerous jobs and you see how surprised you'll be:
No 10: Landscaping and groundkeeping workers.

Fatal injuries per 100k full-time equivalent workers: 20.2

Largely transportation incidents.

Median annual wage: 47k
No 9: Construction workers.

Fatal injuries per 100k full-time equivalent workers: 21

Largely transportation incidents.

Median annual wage: 65k
No 8: Iron and Steel workers.

Fatal injuries per 100k full-time equivalent workers: 23.6

Largely falls, slips, tripping.

Median annual wage: 52k
No 7: Farmers and agricultural workers.

Fatal injuries per 100k full-time equivalent workers: 24.7

Largely transportation incidents.

Median annual wage: 24k
No 6: Sales workers, truck drivers.

Fatal injuries per 100k full-time equivalent workers: 26

Largely transportation incidents.

Median annual wage: 24k
No 5: Recyclable materials collectors.

Fatal injuries per 100k full-time equivalent workers: 44.3 (!)

Largely transportation incidents.

Median annual wage: 36k
No 4: Roofers

Fatal injuries per 100k full-time equivalent workers: 51.5

Largely falls, slips and tripping.

Median annual wage: 39k
No 3: Aircraft pilots and engineers.

Fatal injuries per 100k full-time equivalent workers: 58.9

Largely transportation incidents.

Median annual wage: 137k
No 2: Fishers and wishing workers.

Fatal injuries per 100k full-time equivalent workers: 77.4 (!)

Largely transportation incidents.

Median annual wage: 28k
No 1: Logging workers.

Fatal injuries per 100k full-time equivalent workers: 97.6 (!!!)

Largely contact with objects and equipment.

Median annual wage: 40k
The median annual wage for police officers is 60k, that is more than almost all of the professions above listed plus they will get healthcare and a huge pension.
The people keeping this country running, who put food on our tables and who LITERALLY RISK THEIR LIVES are not police.
Your perception of the importance and of police and the risk they take is influenced by lies and movies.

We undervalue the people who ACTUALLY risk their lives for us every step of the way while giving police protection as they terrorize our minorities.
It is more dangerous to be a pizza delivery driver than police. And yet we shovel billions of dollars into law enforcement that is literally killing people.

There is so much we have to rethink.
Since I've spent the past 48 hours discussing in a lot of my replies which occupation is most likely to die of homicide, so here's some recent data. Most likely professions to get murdered are retail workers and cashiers. Then police, then taxi drivers.

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