1/ Earlier this yr I noticed everyone wanting @Shopify to build a marketplace. I get it, awareness for SMB brands is one of the biggest challenges.

But I thought to myself, Shopify is not a consumer company. A mktplace needs supply (which they have) and demand (which they don't)
2/ Consumers are not going to Shopify directly to search for products. Even if they consolidated all merchant product inventory into one mktplace, they would have a demand (aka consumer traffic) problem.
4/ The dichotomy of all this of course is suddenly there will be more cuts to the pie. It will require more advertising dollars to get top rankings. These partnerships r great but doesn'y replace the need to be great at marketing, owned media, and building up your own audience.
5/ Re: Shop app and their foray into consumer tech, yes it’s basic and far from being a great consumer app, but by doing this, they have reversed engineered the mktplace idea by leveraging an app already being used by consumers...
6/ Shopify is a B2B company at its core and time will tell whether they can build a truly great consumer experience with Shop (which, btw, few b2b companies pull off), but it’s a bold move and certainly better approach than launching a mktplace from scratch.
You can follow @jessicameher.
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