apropos to the master/main branch thing, I recall one time asking @jonskeet about how I should think about some folks going out of their way to "better represent" women in Google's internal meme generator. The effort was to create a bunch of memes, but using templates with women
in them, instead of the existing set of templates (which were ~exclusively men). My initial reaction was like, "meh, that's kinda dumb". Is better representation in memes really an important thing? Why bother with some symbolic effort? I knew that thinking was wrong/ignorant, but
I didn't know _why_. So I asked @jonskeet , who for the record is literally ONE OF THE BEST HUMAN BEINGS I KNOW, seriously. He's easily one of the kindest, most caring, and smartest people I've ever met. Anyways, Jon said something like the following, which really stuck with me:
People trying to create memes to better represent women isn't a particularly meaningful action to me. (Hence my, /shrug why bother reaction.) But it is a particularly meaningful action to some other people. (Hence why it was happening in the first place.) And so the calculus is
simple. You can choose to either: support people, who are trying to do something that is meaningful to them. (Even if it may not be meaningful to you, that doesn't mean it's shallow "virtue signaling".) Or, you can choose to be an asshole, and try to deny people from trying to
make the world (even a teeny, tiny, only marginally) better place for them, their community, etc. So "popping the stack". I may have opinions about whether or not renaming master to main is alone the best thing the software industry could be doing to support people of color. But
since it in no way impacts me, and somebody else is benefitting from it, renaming a git branch seems like a no brainer. In fact, I am kinda shocked at how much time/energy people have debating the issue when it is so easy to implement and roll out.
If there is some deep flaw in this logic, I'd be happy to hear you out. But it seems to me that strategy of "help, or at least not get in the way, of people trying to make things better" seems like a pretty good way to go.
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