Since the colonial invasion of Afghanistan began in 2001, the United States military and CIA agents have been accused of torture, murder and kidnapping the Afghan population. More than 40,000 civilians have died directly from the conflict.
Impunity reigns in every US military base located abroad. In Okinawa, a Japanese island with key US military bases, the military was immune to local justice until 1972 and were never prosecuted by their own system.
"They can harm someone and go back to the base, walk through the gates, as if they're going back to the US," a local told reporters. "It's frustrating, they can rape, kill or run over someone and go back?", thousands of US unpunished crimes in Asia over the last century.
During the occupation of the Philippines, Jacob Hurd Smith ordered the retaliatory killing of thousands of Filipinos after 48 US soldiers were killed in a confrontation. The "punishment" he received from the Council of War was his retirement from office.
The same thing happened during the Vietnam War. There were strategic bombings of the civilian population ordered by the United States. The My Lai massacre is remembered for being one of the most violent: 500 people, many women and children, were killed by a US military unit.
Let's go further: From February 26 to 27, 1991, during the Gulf War, Iraqi soldiers and civilian convoys out of combat tried to reach Baghdad when they were attacked by the coalition led by the United States, causing between 200 to 1,000 deaths.
The 21st century started with the "war on terror" in the Middle East, where the CIA took the opportunity to expand torture programs in US detention centers in Iraq, Guantánamo and Afghanistan, supposedly for "improved interrogation techniques" .
People falsely accused of terrorism without evidence were hunted, detained and tortured with the goal of obtaining information in the name of "national security". Gina Haspel was directing these torture programs implemented after 9/11.
She's currently director of the CIA.
Washington also defends impunity for its closest Middle East ally, Israel, which has been accused by the ICC of committing war crimes in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, related to the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories.
Among the numerous war crimes committed, the damage caused by the White House financial suffocation to millions in other nations should be included, preventing access to medicine and food.
Venezuela has taken the lead to denounce this strategy as a crime against humanity.
What's happening in the streets of the United States is nothing more than the manifestation of its own imperialist nature: police criminality (or military) as a common activity, not punished, for order and intelligence structures worldwide.
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