THREAD: If your #religioustrauma triggers have been going off recently, you're not alone. It's OK if wokeness reminds you of spiritual peer pressure. It's OK if you're afraid to post. It's OK if you're afraid NOT to post. In the words of a #cultsurvivor who reached out to me:
"I’ve been wobbling a little between wanting to be more educated and examine white fragility and be an anti-racist but also being super cautious of joining the cool kids at the lunch table... Last time I did that, I joined a cult. 😐"
Many of us fell for causes we were told were just and true. Many of us felt shattered by betrayal and learned we couldn't trust ourselves, much less others. Our scars can flinch when echoes of justice and truth come railing at us once more - even if they are just and true.
It's okay to take our time figuring it out for ourselves. It's okay to feel triggered, and to not want to react from a place of fear and conformity. It's okay to be leery of movements, however righteous, because that is your survival memory waving a red flag.
Be patient with yourself. Let go of the projections of others. Take however much time you need to self-evaluate, self-educate, and share or not share whatever is true to you.

Only you know your motives. 💙


#religioustrauma #religioustriggers #traumaresponse
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