I am so saddened today to hear about my colleagues who lost their jobs. Among them are those who made an easier path for others at points when their work was more vulnerable and precarious.
Also, across journalism, are jobs that have disappeared, and work that will be shuffled around and stretched thin.
I am so grateful for colleagues, and for the stories of those I hear about elsewhere, who lift as they climb, even as the damn ladder falls apart.
Journalism is where I work, and where I see the death of being able to imagine the future, but this it's not alone, nor is it even feeling it hardest, among workers who are struggling right now.
I don't think it's enough to say, "support local journalism", even as I think that's a good thing to do.
I would encourage everyone, who has the capacity, to look deeply and broadly at the institutions in their communities and how they are or aren't looking out for the interests of the people who are facing the most precarity at this moment.
Who's well-served? Who's left out? Who benefits? Who is harmed? If you have the means, support the structures that support people and help take apart the ones that don't.
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