Won't be much longer until somebody in the Democratic party is going to say this.

"This country CAN'T TAKE FOUR MORE YEARS OF THIS. And if Trump by some miracle manages to win again, that's exactly what will happen."
Yes, the Democratic Party that set all this in motion and is enabling the madness in the blue states is going to *PRETEND* they are just bystanders to this along with the rest of us.

But the threat comes through loud and clear.

This is all about a strategy to use FEAR to keep their own Democratic base from leaving them.

It's about keeping their iron grip on the blue states.
All these fantasies you hear about flipping Red states Blue?

They're exactly that now.

The pandemic **starkly** exposed the many differences in the leadership & policies of the red/blue states.

Who can argue at THIS point the blue states are WINNING?
Every single day people are having their FACES rubbed in what the Democrats & their media shills denied. Blue states are in utter and complete chaos.

"We're not tyrants."
"We care about choo."
"We know what we're doing."
"We're on the right side of history. We're inevitable."
This **isn't** the same old "Red State vs Blue State" discussion from the past.

Not now.

The argument between Red State or Blue State is OVER, it doesn't matter how many Marxist fanatics want to argue about it.
Democratic governors and mayors sided with mobs that burned down and looted cities.

Now for the past week the country has the spectacle of Mayor Durka-Durka-Durkan chirpily discussing an armed mob that seized 6 city blocks of Seattle by burbling about a "Summer of Love".
Do you know what the Algerian Strategy is?

It's when a government facing rebellion from the common people **enables** terrorists groups and provides the terrorist groups with "space to destroy" within the country until the population gets the message: "SUBMIT."
The government of Algeria equipped and gave one of the most vicious terrorist groups to ever exist, the Groupe Islamique Armé [GIA] "space to destroy" within the country.

Here's some guy named Carlos explaining how it worked: https://twitter.com/COsweda/status/1225190709394726912?s=20
The GIA would into villages and kill EVERYBODY.

This was their motto: "No agreement, no truce, no dialogue."

Terrorists with whom even **attempting** to negotiate was futile.

These fanatics were after total victory or total death.
The government's goal was to unleash ABSOLUTE HELL on the civilian population that was rebelling against the Algerian gov't by making use of a vicious terrorist group of fanatics who came & just killed everybody.
Against their will, the population caught between a vicious, implacable terrorist group and...the Algerian gov't, would make the OBVIOUS CHOICE.

Well this is what Democrats are now attempting to do.

DeBlasio, Walz, Whitmer, Cuomo, Murphy, they're sending the same message.
"I can do this anytime I want. You better think it over. Don't you even THINK about leaving me."

They can unleash the BLM/Antifa mob on their own states and cities ANY TIME THEY WANT TO.

And give these mobs "space to destroy".
So I spent the last week calling these people ideological lunatics, but that's only true on a surface level.

There is a vicious utilitarian PRACTICALITY at work here as these Democrat mayors & governors unleash mobs on their own cities while telling police to stand down.
"Oh the pandemic is not keeping you in line anymore, eh? FINE. There are other ways."
They sic the mobs on their own cities, order the cops to stand down, refuse to send in the national guard...watch the looting & the burning & loudly blame Trump to **drive** the voters back to The Party and Big Brother.

It's all Eastasia's fault, you see.
We are dealing with a cult right out of Orwell's "1984".

As far as these fanatics are concerned, NO sacrifice is too great for their citizens to make so THEY can hold on to power.
They don't care about the looted stores.

They don't care about the violence.

They don't care about the destroyed lives.

Why would they?
These Marxist Socialist fanatics in the Democratic Party unleashed these mobs in the FIRST PLACE to make a demonstration to voters in these states & cities: "Vote us out, you get YEARS of this. We can do this anytime we want. We snap our fingers & they'll come burn you down."
"We **own** these mobs. Had enough yet? Starting to see what happens to you when you anger us? Imagine what we'll do if you're actually STUPID ENOUGH to vote us out of office? You think it won't be even WORSE? We'll send even BIGGER mobs, you fools!"
It's all about VOTES. It's all about elections.

And the closer the election gets this November, the less subtle they're going to be about this terrorism they are engaging against THEIR OWN CITIZENS in these blue states.
Trump & Barr will expose the Algerian Strategy the Democratic mayors and governors attempted to use AGAINST THEIR OWN STATES AND CITIES.

I keep telling you.

These people won't be able to win an election for LOCAL DOG CATCHER when this is over.
They were insane to even try this, of course. This is not ALGERIA. This is America.
It will be a 5 month campaign season like nothing else this country has ever seen.

And when it's over, Trump wins in a landslide so massive it will redefine the definition of the word "landslide".


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