Late last year I called out @rosspettypro for the lack of diversity in their 2019/2020 panto production of Snow White. We never got anywhere in that conversation because I may have been a bit too aggressive in my approach starting the conversation. Canada is currently in one of
the biggest conversations regarding diversity and racism in theatre and it made me recall my back and forth with Ross. A conversation we never actually got to have. The movement that started in the US has been brought up around the world and acknowledged properly and improperly
By millions of companies. From what I’ve seen on social media platforms the Canadian theatre community is stepping up and is showing they are willing to have the conversation by taking proper action to change. Having checked in on @rosspettypro IG, I noticed they have not at all
decided to be a part of this conversation. It disappoints me greatly to know that one of the biggest producers of children’s theatre in Canada is actively deciding to stay silent during maybe one of the most important moments of our lifetime and is instead posting #TBT’s of Ross
in shows with his other white friends. If you’re not willing to have the conversation, you don’t deserve to be a part of the community. I don’t want you to go away, I just want you to change. Growing up in Toronto meant growing up with you. You are a staple in the community
You and your team need to understand the impact you have on thousands of children and if you plan on continuing to be one of the leaders, speak up and join the conversation, because you will be left behind.
You can follow @notkevinvidal.
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