We’ve heard reports that at least 6 MLB owners don’t want to have a season at all. I wonder how many of them come from the 21 owners who’ve bought their teams since the 1994-95 strike and may not appreciate the downstream impact of a lost season.
The league has set record revenues in each of the last 18 years, so I wonder whether some of them foolishly believe it’s just plug & play with more of the same next year. I also wonder how much the bully mentality comes into play.
Wealthy people aren’t necessarily familiar with being told no, nor are they always the best at understanding how things work for “normal” people. Some owners might see the players’ form stance as a direct affront, the likes of which they’re not familiar with.
And since they don’t personally worry about budgeting for sports tickets and cable packages — luxuries for a vast number of fans — they may not understand how this impasse will sour millions on putting hard-earned money toward baseball in the future.
This is all very general, of course, and I’m not saying all wealthy people are incapable of empathy, but a lot of them fall in that bucket. Heck, Tom Ricketts talked about having 3 different TV providers to ensure he got Marquee.
I think it’s fair to wonder whether owners truly understand what’s under the hood of their $10 billion industry. It’s even more fair to ask why they have a mechanic, Rob Manfred in this case, who appears to be likewise ignorant.
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