White nationalists inside and outside of police forces and the military are merging into one heavily-armed white nationalist army and we should all be very, very alarmed by this.

Remember when all those cops in Texas wore pro-Trump hats *while on duty* back in July of 2019? https://twitter.com/randypcox/status/1152977052900851712
How about the unmarked "officers" in riot gear standing down protesters outside the White House just a few weeks ago? https://twitter.com/bdaviskc/status/1268401251978563585
Or yesterday, when the Albuquerque Police Department referred to members of the terrorist group that assaulted and shot protesters as "heavily armed friendlies?" https://twitter.com/shannonrwatts/status/1272767801522941953
This is happening in the military too. Remember this? https://twitter.com/Noahbierman/status/1133200463619211264?s=20
Here's another look at that pro-Trump patch being worn by *active duty military currently in uniform* which is totally 100% *against the law.* https://twitter.com/vmsalama/status/1133203283227529217
We may be winning important victories on some fronts right now, but we have to zoom out and look at the fascist endgame that is playing out right in front of us.

I'll leave you with a quote from Timothy Snyder's "20 Lessons from the 20th Century." (See next tweet.)
"When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the system start wearing uniforms and marching around with torches and pictures of a Leader, the end is nigh. When the pro-Leader paramilitary and the official police and military intermingle, the game is over."
Like, until this country ends its sick love affair with white supremacy, nobody will get to have nice things - because this is 100% what I mean when I say that white supremacy is the lifeblood of fascism.
This thread is 🌲🌲🌲 https://twitter.com/spekulation/status/1279508241693634560?s=20
Here’s another example https://twitter.com/mslisahendricks/status/1279637036605927428?s=21
Yet another example: https://twitter.com/greg_doucette/status/1279897548585668608?s=21 https://twitter.com/greg_doucette/status/1279897548585668608
Yep, in Seattle too.

https://twitter.com/spekulation/status/1280734546716012545?s=21 https://twitter.com/spekulation/status/1280734546716012545
Here's another facet of how the police state and ideologically aligned civilians are coming together to merge forces. https://twitter.com/A_Huebner/status/1280257924137390085?s=20
No seriously, this ICE “citizens academy” is incredibly dangerous.

https://twitter.com/joshuapotash/status/1281308821768605697?s=21 https://twitter.com/joshuapotash/status/1281308821768605697
Pretty sure this isn’t a cop of any flavor. https://twitter.com/therealcoryelia/status/1282555597322194944?s=21 https://twitter.com/TheRealCoryElia/status/1282555597322194944
This is 100% a manifestation of the same phenomenon. The fact that we don’t know the provenance of this “organization” is precisely the point. https://twitter.com/demwrite/status/1283980491318689794?s=21 https://twitter.com/NickKnudsenUS/status/1283980491318689794
Trump's gestapo marching through clouds of tear gas in the streets of Portland is the natural continuation of this phenomenon. https://twitter.com/JoshuaPotash/status/1285853129884553217?s=20
To understand police behavior, remember that they don’t answer to chiefs of police or even mayors. They answer to their unions.

Here’s the head of the Seattle Police Officer’s Guild liking a post by a far-right extremist. https://twitter.com/divestspd/status/1290175213842264070?s=21
Seattle's finest sure are chummy with folks who beat the crap out of people in the name of Trump. https://twitter.com/spekulation/status/1292676394787405825?s=20
The double standards are just... well, fascistic. https://twitter.com/pdxfrontline/status/1292699596683005954?s=21 https://twitter.com/pdxfrontline/status/1292699596683005954
Iconic Global is a gun academy South of Seattle. They are actively par it updating in arrests and escalating situations with protesters. https://twitter.com/converse_nick/status/1293803773878366208?s=21
More on the role iconic global has been playing in escalating the recent Seattle fracas. https://twitter.com/spekulation/status/1294118086564446215?s=21 https://twitter.com/spekulation/status/1294118086564446215
Kenosha KKKops cozying up to right wing extremists on the same night two BLM protesters were shot and killed by a gunman for demanding that Jacob Blake be treated as human.

The cops are unofficially deputizing extremists. The merging of forces continues.
And here he is, Kyle Rittenhouse, the alleged shooter.

A “public safety cadet.”

What are the odds? https://twitter.com/clintkamstra/status/1298566356506353664?s=21
None of this is new, just so we’re clear.

More from Kenosha. The collusion here is so clear. https://twitter.com/rabbiandykahn/status/1298741862791098373?s=21 https://twitter.com/rabbiandykahn/status/1298741862791098373
Self-appointed "police" operating without any kind of oversight, knowing that the state-sponsored police will do absolutely nothing to stop them. https://twitter.com/R3volutionDaddy/status/1304148135288221696?s=20
White nationalist militias "patrolling" in Louisville. https://twitter.com/ChadKMills/status/1308831863977504772?s=20
“When the men with guns who've always claimed to be against the system start wearing uniforms & marching around w/ torches & pictures of a Leader, the end is nigh. When pro-Leader paramilitary & official police and military intermingle, the game is over." https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1311131883292459008?s=20
“When the pro-leader paramilitary and the official police and military intermingle, the end has come.” -Timothy Snyder

https://twitter.com/johnnthelefty/status/1323090389289504770?s=21 https://twitter.com/Johnnthelefty/status/1323090389289504770
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