If COVID-19 numbers can be brought low enough in Scotland by 11 August (under 20 confirmed cases) & with appropriate 'test and protect' policies, my personal view is that schools should re-open as normally as possible (kids back full-time & able to play/interact together).
Currently running ~under 20 daily new confirmed cases, but need to expand testing to catch all cases in the community. If drops further over July & with local data made publicly available, hopefully parents/teachers/those shielding feel ‘safe enough’ to interact again.
As numerous countries are finding out, including New Zealand today & Hong Kong & South Korea, once confirmed cases are extremely low or even 0, then the next challenge is from imported cases. Need to catch these quickly before chain of infections starts.
This is just my opinion, nothing more. Obviously there are loads of different views & various considerations. I’m just offering one way of looking at it. Push harder towards elimination -> open up more normally.
You can follow @devisridhar.
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