Our friends @BLACKandPINKorg do amazing work finding penpals for incarcerated LGBTQ comrades, and we direct everyone who can participate in their beautiful project to their site.

But we have some readers who are hungry for comrades outside who are cishet men.
Many of them are ready to learn and study with someone outside, to start and continue the lifelong project of unlearning patriarchal behavior (which we count as foundational for abolitionist and liberatory political education)
Every single person caught in a cage from now until we tear down all the prisons and jails should have an outside supporter. We're going to try to facilitate some modest growth in that direction.
Every phone zap you see starts with a person inside being in touch with a person outside. All the information we have about abuse, violence, viral outbreak--it all comes through calls, emails on shitty interfaces, and letters.
The more contact we have across the wall, the better we can fight the acute repression inside prisons and jails.
A comrade raised an important point: this is about mutual, two-way education. We’re not here for any kind of didactic or condescending one-way “teaching”, at all. We’ve read our Freire and our @agitateorganize 🌺
The responses!!! Thank you all. We’ll be in touch soon.
You can follow @bellyzine.
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