
IDing Nazis is always deadly serious work.

Before I make this identification from Tucson, I want to stress that this is especially true here.

The Nazi I'm about to identify has openly admitted to being highly armed, having bomb-making interests, & terrorist ambitions. https://twitter.com/nickmartin/status/1272278852149014530
I have held off on this ID for a couple reasons, one being a desire to finish identifying people in his crew, another being the honest concern that identification might spark him to violence and the hope that privately reporting him to law enforcement might stop him.
This Nazi and his crew have been present on Terror Telegram for a long time. They've taken real life action putting up Nazi flyers in AZ and meeting up with other Nazis on Terrorgram to stage fights and pose with weaponry.
For reasons that will become clear as I continue, I believe that this Nazi is particularly prone to acts of impulsive violent behavior and a very possible candidate for mass violence.

The fact that he is now actively engaging in confrontations at BLM protests has me terrified.
I discussed this last night with someone on the ground in Tucson, so there's awareness this ID is coming out and knowledge of the level of severity of threat.

I can't emphasize enough, this person is not stable, he is impulsively violent, and he is likely highly armed.
If you know people on the ground in Tucson or are an activist on the ground in Tucson, please make sure folks are aware of the level of threat this group and this man in particular poses.
This lead-up isn't about building anticipation or suspense.

I am truly worried about the dangers this man poses, and if I weren't actively afraid he'd try to murder people at a protest, I wouldn't be chancing provoking him with an ID.
All that said, this individual here-- as others have already pointed out-- goes by Boog Fuhrer on Terror Telegram.

His real name is Sean Kauffmann, and he lives in the Tucson area. The last public records search I did on him located him in Vail, AZ.
It's no secret that Boog is named Sean and lives near Tucson-- he's admitted as much frequently in livestreams and chats.

He's been relatively careful the rest of the time, with one Grand Canyon-sized exception: the day he asked terrorists for advice on illegally hiding guns.
When I say "asked terrorists for advice," I don't mean just, asked random guys talking big on Telegram.

I mean, asked advice of the most notorious Terrorgram chat on the internet and got it from Anti-Kosmik, aka army terror Nazi Jarrett William Smith. https://www.adl.org/blog/us-army-specialist-with-links-to-neo-nazi-group-pleads-guilty
Here's Sean freaking out in September of last year, because his ex is quite reasonably citing his apparent history of violence and Nazi fanaticism in a custody dispute.

He's afraid feds will come for his guns, & he's asking them to abet him in conspiring to illegally hide them.
Sean isn't just engaging in a conversation with a now-known (and even then, self-admitted to Sean and others) terrorist in an effort to conceal firearms from the authorities.

He's admitting that his firearms are UNREGISTERED.
Sean was so panicked by the threat of feds uncovering these illegal, unregistered firearms that he did the thing these op-sec-proud Nazis always think they're too smart to do.

He doxxed himself.
Now, let me be clear: these are sensitive documents, but I am not the one who made this information public.

Sean himself chose to post these documents in an open, publicly-accessible chat.
Even so, these are not documents I would normally choose to share in an ID.

It's my belief that it's almost always ethically questionable to share this kind of information-- even if it's a Nazi, even if the Nazi made it public and therefore fair game.
In this case, however, I believe the Nazi in question poses an imminent and extreme danger to people in his community, so I am choosing to post it, both because it identifies him and, just as importantly, because illustrates that he has a sustained history of impulsive violence.
In the first document, I would highlight this passage specifically, which describes behavior at age 16 so violently aggressive that his mother was unable to sustain custody of him.

This is, as a reminder, just one piece of evidence in court documents alleging domestic violence.
Sean shares another document because it specifically references his gun ownership, and it too describes Sean engaging in physical violence against others, this time apparently more recently.

The range of firearms described as being in Sean's possession is terrifying.
This domestic violence case also isn't the first time the authorities have been alerted by people concerned about Sean's potential for violence.

In the conversation, Sean mentions that police searched his home after another person reported his violent Nazi tendencies & firearms.
So, just to recap where we are right now:

We have Sean identifying himself on record, conspiring on record with convicted terrorists to illegally conceal a massive number of firearms from federal authorities, and admitting to illegal ownership of unregistered weapons.
We know that Sean has a history of extremely aggressive violent behavior since young adulthood, a history that includes allegations of domestic violence against at least one woman, the mother of his children.
Now, let's talk about Sean's escalating career of Nazi activity.

It's a career that ranges from local flyering to livestreamed Nazi fight club niche celebrity to training for race war and (now) engaging in direct confrontation with BLM protesters.
Here's Sean bragging to (again, convicted terrorist) Jarrett William Smith about his Nazi organization, "Panzer Strike Division."

He claims a membership of 25 in Tucson and chapters in other states, though I suspect those numbers may be more of a brag than a reality.
In reality, Sean's crew seems to consist mainly of 1) him, 2) his brother, Seth Kauffmann (pictured below, guest starring in a Nazi fight club episode), 3) his self-described "nanny and house slave," and 4) "Antiroot," a weirdo incel who started the aforementioned Nazi fight club
To the extent that Panzer Strike Force (not Division, oops) exists, it mainly seems to be just Sean and his brother, with his adoring nanny tagging along.

Antiroot, meanwhile, is itinerant and in and out of AZ. He's more of an associate than a "member."
(Btw, I'm a good researcher but not a wiz at face recognition, so I'm not going to even hazard a guess at who all it was that showed up with Sean at the recent BLM rally. It's easy to find Antiroot/Seth fight club footage, so if anyone wants to try, that's there)
In the past, Sean and his crew mainly seem to have showed up in the AZ news in the form of their anonymous postering campaigns.

Here's Sean taking credit for this Nazi postering campaign reported by the Arizona Jewish Post back in August 2019.
Sean also used his account on VK (a Russian Facebook-like social network popular with some far right U.S. extremists) to take credit for stickering Tucson with Nazi propaganda back in August.
So, recap:

We have Sean conspiring with a convicted terrorist to hide unregistered firearms from feds; multiple accounts describing Sean as aggressively, dangerously violent; and evidence that he has a history of, at the very least, vandalizing Tucson with Nazi propaganda.
We know that Sean has associated with a convicted Nazi terrorist.

We know that Sean has promoted Nazi terrorist groups.

Here he's bragging about vandalizing Tucson with flyers explicitly promoting Atomwaffen, a Nazi terrorist group associated with a number of deaths in the US.
We also know that Sean spent enough time privately chatting with convicted terrorist Jarrett William Smith about things linked closely enough to terror for him to publicly freak out after Smith's arrest hit the news in September.
His self-described nanny/"houseslave," who goes by "National Socialist" on Telegram (more on her later) also had herself an even bigger freakout when she found out about Smith's arrest.
(I'm trying very hard to get audio from her uploaded here and it's not working, so you'll just have to trust me when I say I've got a voice clip of her panicking and saying, "where I said blow up powerlines... it's in the affidavit," I'll have to figure it out later)
As for Sean, we know he was concerned about his DMs with Smith, but why?

Well, the first time Sean and Smith start talking about DMing each other, it's Smith offering to "supply" a Texan associate of Sean's.

Sean DMs Smith about it.
Now, we don't have those DMs, so we don't know for certain what they said to each other.

But more than any other person I saw in the terror chats with Smith, Sean and his nanny were both losing their shit over his arrest.
The smoking gun in Smith's arrest?

A conversation where Smith "supplies" an undercover fed posing as a would-be terrorist with information about how to murder a political target and who to pick.

Smith suggests Beto when the undercover asks for Texan target suggestions.

Now, this could be a coincidence.

It could be, but also it sure seems like Sean intentionally connected a person he thought was a terrorist in his "organization" with a now-convicted terrorist in hopes of getting him supplied with intel and materiel.
Sean kept his head down for a hot minute, but he's been escalating again.

Not only is he now showing up to menace BLM protesters, he's been sharing bomb plans on Telegram in the very same channel where he first met Smith.
Here's Sean, less than a week ago, bragging about his knowledge of black powder and tannerite explosives.
Someone in that same chat points out that you could get arrested for stockpiling black powder explosive making supplies, and Sean lolz.

He has black powder guns as a pretext, he says.
If you're not convinced that Sean is an accelerationist terrorist waiting to strike, take a gander at some of his other various and sundry posts.

- sharing "Saint a Day" (saint = terrorist) posts? Check.

- encouraging mass shooters on VK? Check.

- "accelerate"? Check.
Anders Breivik gif posting? Check.

There's so much more where this came from, audio of him discussing his vast weapon cache and message after message of accelerationist agitations and celebrations of Nazi carnage.
Sean is also part of a subset of accelerationist Nazis who advocate using rape as a means of terror.

It's a frequent theme in his posts, & especially disturbing given the allegations of domestic abuse of his daughters' mother that spurred the custody case I mentioned earlier.
He frequently mentions "raping" his former nanny (now his wife) to build a little Nazi army of their own.
She, meanwhile, is happily helping inculcate his two daughters into their little violent Nazi cult.
She also (as mentioned before) explicitly suggests terrorist destruction of infrastructure like power lines, and posts pictures of what look to be their
own firearms, openly advocating for their use in "violent revolution."
Finally, Sean has made violent threats against antifascists and specifically local antifascists, saying he'll "come after" Tucson antifascists if publicly identified.
After Smith is arrested, Sean went into more detail about his intentions for anyone who identified or informed on him:


With a knife.
Sean changed his handle to "John Doe" when he made that explicit threat of rape by knife.

What he didn't bother to do was change his actual user ID: DasBoog.
Sean Kauffmann is a disturbed Nazi with a documented history of violence and a massive cache of firearms.

He associates with terrorists, shares bomb-making plans, and openly threatens specific terroristic acts, including rape by knife.

He's showing up at BLM events, now.
I've shared a lot here, largely because I think the man is so unstable & dangerous that I want to give as much actionable evidence as I can that Sean Kauffmann is a ticking time bomb Nazi terrorist.

He is escalating online and offline.

He is a violent threat to his community.
I'm sending my love and solidarity to everyone doing BLM and antifascist work in Tucson. Stay safe, if you can. ❤️🖤

We shouldn't have to worry about getting murdered by Nazis just because we choose to stand up for civil rights.

We do, though.

That is the time we live in.
As for the rest of us, we cannot forget that there are plenty of other Seans out there.

There are likely Seans in our communities or the communities of our loved ones.

These are the people coming to counter-protest us, now.
They have no intention of counter-protesting peacefully.

They are there to inflict pain, violence, and harm.

They've been hungry for it.

Make no mistake: they want us dead.

The Seans of the world want blood.

They aren't counter-protesting us, really.

They're hunting us.
Here in Philly, our own @phillymayor is still looking the other way as his police enable these fascist terrorists and stand idly watching as they beat journalists and activists in the streets, deliberately slam us with cars in hit-and-runs.

That's happening now.
Aspiring mass murderers like Sean are watching this happen, and they are feeling emboldened.

They are coming out of the woodwork.
As long as our governments leave public safety to corrupt police forces unsalvageably driven by racism and a thirst for violence, there will be no public safety.

The cops aren't stopping these potential terrorists.

They're setting the stage for their violent fantasies.
If things don't change soon, there will be more blood.

Those violent fantasies will increasingly become violent realities.

Those are the stakes.

The end.
(PS- I've been informed that unregistered guns are perfectly legal in AZ, so I'm wrong in calling that a crime, it's now just additionally terrifying information)
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