Three years ago today, President Trump flew to Miami to announce he was "cancelling" Obama's #Cuba policy. He said he'd "seek a much better deal for the Cuban people" and help them "form businesses and pursue much better lives." How well has that worked out for Cubans so far? 1/
Are Cuban democracy activists better off than when they met with Obama in '16? As dissident Marta Beatriz Roque said in Dec “I think that we, opponents, are not having our best moment” w long-term incarcerations back on the rise. 4/
Have U.S. sanctions undercut Venezuelan-Cuban cooperation? Quite the contrary, Trump's "maximum pressure" campaign has pushed them into greater codependence. Cooperation between the two governments is now as tight as ever. 10/
Meanwhile, relations between #Cuba and Russia are now warmer than at any point since the demise of the Soviet Union. 13/
As for the Cuban Communist Party leadership, Trump is helping them Make the Revolution Great Again. Hardliners have frozen reforms, and the government recently had a smooth generational leadership transition (its second peaceful leadership transition in a decade). 14/
Other than the PCC, winners in the past 3 years include FL Gov DeSantis, Senators Scott & Rubio, and a gaggle of Miami media "influencers", all of whom through tough talk & empty posturing have boosted their "likes" but have in no way improved conditions for the Cuban people. 15/
And this last point is the sad and undeniable legacy of this administration's three-year old #Cuba policy: plenty of personal gain for its leading champions in Florida, nothing but pain and broken promises for the Cuban people.
I’ll let my late brother-from-another-mother Patrick Hidalgo, who was outside protesting the event three years ago, have the final word.
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