I jokingly shit on #sobsquad and @QiaochuYuan and @Malcolm_Ocean but I also genuinely like them and think they're on to something important. Now I LIEK to understand things so here's what I think is going on with that/crying/ @dougtataryn's Bioemotive framework
So -- you know that Doug was a student of Gendlin's and that Gendlin was all about focusing. https://twitter.com/nosilverv/status/1272928411867062277
I've talked about Focusing a bunch but basically it's a way to talk about what you're REALLY experiencing, what's REALLY going on, under the hood.
Now I've been using it for idk like 8 years? And STILL I think that the bioemotive framework gave me a thing I didn't have.
My focusing sessions were all pretty formulaic: I felt something was off, I triangulated to the precise feeling using analogies, introspection, metaphors, and so on, and from there to the thing originating the feeling.
However, recently, using the Bioemotive Framework I've had much more *precise* experiences: I'm triggered, I find the relevant memory in a shocking moment, I burst into tears. Happened twice now.
It has a very specific feeling and that's the referent I got the referent of finding a previously hidden, previously locked memory.
Now for me at least, finding it immediately updates it. Instant memory reconsolidation. The young emotional memory gets put next to current immense contradictory evidence and updates + a surge of grief about all that was lost due to acting as if it were true for so long.
I've also talked about virtual machines a bunch. I've found this connected in me: the wrong young emotional memory triggers a program to start existing in a partial reality and in a partial way https://twitter.com/nosilverv/status/1254776266760179717
So the whole process becomes: notice emotions are off -> use focusing -> find the relevant memory -> memory updates and you jump "out" of the relevant virtual machines. https://twitter.com/nosilverv/status/1264895389792157698
The virtual machine metaphor is insanely apt because each new one is built on the remaining free disk space. Which is why people become "deadened" as they become older. More and more constraint, less and less space to exist in.
And that's why #sobsquad and the Bioemotive Framework are good: the former tells people this is important, the latter tells people how to do it.

(I just do over-analytic masturbation about why/how it works but to each his own)
P.S.: We call this foreshadowing. https://twitter.com/nosilverv/status/1271781834817507329
P.P.S.: A fun consequence is that you should expect to be able to go from disproportionate emotion to a virtual machine you can dissolve for more aliveness. As usual Buddhists are ahead of the curve and recognise varieties of corrupted emotions in needing of transmutation
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