The world of Jujutsu Kaisen is deeply tied to Buddhism and has lots of symbolism and references to other religions, and i’ve been meaning to talk about this for a while, so i’ll start with the religious importance of Satoru Gojo and Suguru Getou:
Gojo is the chosen one. He’s the absolute strongest and he’s above everyone else. His birth impacted the whole world drastically and he’s the first one to be born with both the 6 Eyes and the Infinity in over 100 years.
To understand his role better, i gotta talk about the Black Flash and Reversed Technique real quick though.
People in the Jujutsu world always talk about how when you experience the Black Flash and get a grasp on Reverse Technique, you’ll feel like you understand everything, and you’ll be leagues above other sorcerers.
And what those characters experience in that moment is similar to the “moment of enlightenment” in Buddhism. It is said that those that experience it get “rid of all deluded doubt, because true nature of existence has revealed itself”.
Hence why the characters that experience the Black Flash or get a grasp on the Reversed Technique always seem “high” and aren’t themselves.
The most important part comes now though; the real Buddha is said to have been meditating under the Bodhi tree, where he was reflecting on his experience of life, determined to penetrate it’s truth. That’s when he finally got enlightened and became the Buddha.
And when Gojo finally got a grasp on Reverse Technique and “touched the source of cursed energy”, he feels enlightened, as if he just transcended into a higher being.
And most people already know about this, but “throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one” is a quote from Buddha himself. Gojo metaphorically became Buddha right in that moment, when he almost got killed by Toji.
And funnily enough, that moment of awakening or enlightenment is called “Satori” in Japanese, so Satoru Gojo’s name most likely derives from that.
Now i wanna get to Getou, the fallen angel.
Getou always preached that Jujutsu exists to save other people, and it’s their job to protect non-sorcerers. But after some time he realized that everything he did up until that point wasn’t his true self.
And similar to how Lucifer betrayed God, he betrayed his teacher Yaga and best friend Gojo, and sided with the curses to build his own “kingdom”, and planned on exterminating all non-sorcerers; thus becoming the devil.
Also, Jesus and Lucifer were originally brothers, and Lucifer planned on killing his brother Jesus, similar to how Getou planned on sealing Gojo (Buddha/Jesus).
Getou having stretched ears is also pretty neat, considering in Buddhism it symbolizes the abandonment of your privileged life. And Something obvious i’ve only recently noticed, is that Satoru Gojo and Suguro Geto’s names both start with the same letters.
And then there’s also Toji, whose character is a reference to Sun Wukong, but i don't wanna get into that yet. I doubt anyone is gonna read all of this but thanks for reading if u did.
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